to St Andrew
Save These Dates
August 18
August 27
September 1
September 8
September 10
September 15
September 17
September 28
Sunday Morning Worship
Worship at St. Andrew is diverse, creative and progressive. Each service is unique; featuring a variety of music and weekly communion.
Worship takes place at 8:30am in the sanctuary and 10:30am outdoors, weather permitting. Children's church resumes September 8th.
Join us live or watch anytime on Facebook or on YouTube.
Children’s Church
Childrens Church will resume in September.
Coffee Hour
Join us after each Sunday service for coffee, goodies, and community.
September marks the beginning of the second year of our two-year open air sanctuary capital appeal!
Don't know where you are in your pledge to the open air sanctuary project? Electronic statements were recently sent out - check your email to check your status. Questions may be directed to Wayne & Judy Hellert about the capital appeal portion and Dana Millar for general giving.
As we begin this second year of the appeal, we're inviting anyone who is able to accelerate their giving so that St Andrew might save money on financing. We're seeking a bridge loan for the outdoor chapel construction phase and any funds we have on hand equates to less that we have to borrow. Many thanks for your generosity!
We're trimming costs where we can!
Recognizing that actual costs are greater than anticipated the outdoor chapel team--and the landscape gardens team in particular--have made choices that will cut costs.
- We anticipate using only stabilized stone dust on our pathways--AND the entrance patio. [Pavers could come in a second phase, if desired].
- Fencing may be simplified.
- We had hoped to improve and repair the entire great lawn, but may put that restoration work on hold; focusing on the site for the labyrinth.
- We will also delay planting a "screen" of trees and bushes between our space and the Fire Department property next door. During the summer months, when the space will get the most use, the existing trees will have to provide adequate cover.
Of course, we also anticipate the chapel itself will bring in revenue to help cover all our maintenence costs--from memorial garden fees to community use fees, we hope to see no further impact on our maintenence budget!
Pastor Lisa granted time for two mini sabbaticals in 2025.
The council voted to afford Pastor Lisa two month-long blocks of sabbatical time: May 15-June 15 and the month of August next year. Ministry at St Andrew has been full with not only the regular demands but also the extra workload associated with the Outdoor Sanctuary and Capital Appeal. The council voted unanimously in support of the proposal. St Andrew's sabbatical policy recommends a sabbatical every 4-6 years. Pastor Lisa's last sabbatical was in 2017.