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What Lutherans Believe

At the center of this graphic is a seal designed by Martin Luther (1483-1546). You may notice the same design in the stained glass window above the altar at St. Andrew. Around the seal pictured here are the three key emphases of the Lutheran tradition. We talk about these in terms of “grace alone”, “faith alone” and “word alone.”


We believe we are saved by grace alone, not by what we do or say or accomplish.  It’s all about what God’s done through Jesus Christ.


All that is required of us is that we believe.  Faith is all that is needed for salvation.


We believe the bible is the norm for our faith and life.  God still speaks through the Word—it shapes what we know, who we are and what we do.

As Christians, Lutherans also believe in a Triune God: a God who created all things as good; God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who granted life through his death; and God’s Holy Spirit which moves actively in our lives and throughout the world.

Officially, a Lutheran Christian is “a member of the protestant church that observes the Lutheran Confessions and some of the writings of Martin Luther. ”But what’s important is that we have a particular Lutheran way of expressing our Christian faith that focuses on God’s unconditional love for us—and on grace alone, faith alone and word alone.

St Andrew Lutheran Church

15 East Beach Road
Charlestown, RI 02813